Started a new sideproject called "Display Books" where I post a selection of pre-owned books to reform your coffee table. All books are also for sale!
→ instagram.com/display.books/
☻ arnevankauter.com | hello@arnevankauter.com ☻
I'm Arne – Founder of Gutter, a creative technology studio.
Gutter strives to create captivating digital experiences and draws inspiration from the unexpected charm found in the ordinary. Gutter is based in Amsterdam, but collaborates with like-minded individuals and brands worldwide to bring an innovative blend between design, development and creative coding.
Recap of our interactive poster installation at Us By Night festival – which took place last September, created in collaboration with SSNN & APN.
The installation, built using Touchdesigner & TouchOSC, invited visitors to step in front of a large screen equipped with a webcam and an iPad. By exploring the controls on the touchscreen and engaging with the webcam, users could adjust parameters in real time to design their own unique, generative posters.
Each poster, inspired by this year’s Us BY Night theme "Asian Neon Night Market" and the aesthetic of Japanese obi record covers, was both printed and exported for visitors to take home and share.
Kids wanna be kids. Even as adults we miss our sandboxes. That’s why I teamed up together with my close friend Bernd Bousard to create a new (digital) sandbox where we can experiment and collaborate — a creative overlap where our skills and curiosity meet. We’re thrilled to embark on this journey and can’t wait to see where it takes us.
AB Studio ©
Bureau Gutter, is a (new) creative technology studio. Gutter strives to create captivating digital experiences and draws inspiration from the unexpected charm found in the ordinary.
Gutter is based in Amsterdam, but collaborates with like-minded individuals and brands worldwide to bring an innovative blend between design, development and creative coding.
Take a look at our work at bureaugutter.com or reach out at hello@bureaugutter.com
Alpha Tango is an Amsterdam based creative studio specialised in strategy, branding, design & development. In close collaboration with the design team, I worked on the development, interaction and animations for their brand new portfolio.
In the world of boating, Propel is at the forefront of electric boat motors, with their revolutionary motors who are silent yet uniquely shaped.
The Propel website brings the feeling of movement on the water to life. From the core elements to micro interactions, it takes the user on a journey through the brand and the product, dynamically explaining the game-changing technology of the motor.
A philosophy club dedicated to the ongoing exchange of thoughts, feelings & ideas. That's what the community behind CLO describes best.
We created a new online home where like minded people come together and get invited to participate openly, exchanging their own contributions to every day topics around creative culture.
The internet gave us a lot of interesting opportunities, but it also gave us a lot of new words. When we don’t understand technology terms, it can be hard to make informed decisions. So we made a dictionary to help everyone understand what’s going on.
The result is Sideways Dictionary: a tool for finding and sharing helpful analogies to explain technological terms.
D.E. Shaw is a global investment firm that is different than others. By creating a website with a concept loosely based on academic papers, we put the focus on their most valuable asset: the people.
Residente is a rapper from Puerto Rico that went walking in the footsteps of his genetic ancestors to create the sound of his first solo album, and to challenge our perception of border, race, and gender. This documented journey led to an ongoing collaboration, developing the visual narrative for this project.
The site connects each visitor through time and place, creating a dynamic map illustrating the digital footprint of visitors that came before you. From this map, users are offered to leave a mark, or to explore sound and video documenting Residente’s journey across the world.
Side Projects
As we have quite some (design) books at home, my girlfriend & I started a new project called Display Books where we post a selection of pre-owned books to reform your coffee table.
And all books are for sale! ✨
As a huge music nerd, I love keeping lists of favourite music and share them with friends. As 2021 was a year full of digital gatherings, I created a platform called Curated by Friends where I ask friends about their favourite records of the past year.
For now, music is the main focus, but you can expect Curated by Friends to spread its wings. Think films, think podcasts, think whatever’s too good not to be shared.
"Shakespeare in a stripclub" is quite the headline to start this project with, but it's only one of many shows performed by Mooi Weer & Zo, a theater group from Rotterdam. The concept of combining theater with dinner in unique locations (such as a stripclub) makes every visit to Rotterdam memorable.
Together with my close friend Lieselot, we created a website where the theater group can post their new shows, performances and all information you need to know to spend an amazing evening.
As a yearly tradition, I share my top albums of the year around Christmas, and countdown to my number one pick on New Year's Eve. For 2022, I wanted to do something special to commemorate my exploration into generative coding. So, I used creative coding to create an animation based on the artwork of each album.
Here is a sneak peek, but you can see the full animations on my Instagram account: instagram.com/arnevankauter/
Foreignrap is a VHS inspired crazy website full of international rap music videos, from Norway to Japan. It's super difficult to find international rap music, compared to music from the US. Foreignrap instantly connects you with the best rap music from around the world.
As time goes by, digital trends are becoming nostalgic items. We love to make fun of how design used to look 10 years ago, yet it was the standard that everybody followed. It’s almost a full-time job to keep up to date with the latest trends, so how do you stand out in a world where we are working with technologies that didn’t even exist two years ago? Arne Van Kauter of the creative studio Superhero Cheesecake will look into defending your work, dealing with setbacks and giving your work meaning. Spoiler: there will be pastry involved.