New site design & development and graphic work for London-based collective, Autonomous Sheep.
Updated Hope Sew's e-commerce site for the launch of their SS22 collection.
Refreshed the studio site for Tenten, a digital design and marketing agency in Taipei.
Side Projects
onoffon radio is a handmade, online radio not bounded by location, audience, or contributors. Sometimes on, sometimes off, the radio holds space for discussion, casual publishing, knowledge sharing, audio-making, and sonic experimentation.
A small, loving corner on the internet. Translate gestures of love into virtual love messages.
Originally a 2-channel interactive installation, consolidated into a web piece.
Made with love with P5.js & Teachable Machine. Exhibited at the 2022 UAL Creative Computing Graduate Showcase.
Work Experience
Supported Product Design team on in-house and client projects spanning website design, branding, marketing strategy, and content development.
Curated and exhibited as a part of Autonomous Sheep's inaugural exhibition in London.