Ansh Babbar

Ansh Babbar

Product Manager/Engineer in India, He/Him


engineer turned product designer turned entrepreneur. a nerd about web3, llms and fashion.



Work Experience

2024 — Now
London, UK (Remote)

Product Intern at CRON AI, worked on their 3D perception platform, SenseEDGE.

2021 — Now

open source contributor at Microsoft/Autogen, mlpack/mlpack, and cpacker/MemGPT

2022 — Now

Founded and working on [strift], a fashion-first social commerce marketplace, for giving new-age fashion labels an audience.

  • Hult Prize '23 Global Semifinalist (Top 500 out of 10,000 fashion startups worldwide).
  • Backed by Microsoft for Startups. (<1% acceptance rate)

I lead a team of 15 developers, designers and creatives. I lead the entire design direction.

2023 — 2023
  • Worked on, enabling companies to resolve customer queries using automated LLM bots.

  • Was among the first few employees in team with 15,000 bots in the first week, and half a million queries resolved.



designed the UI/UX, and led the design direction and a design and engineering team of 9 at my startup, [strift].


Ayre is a Visual Question Answering project using semantic, segmentation and sentiment analysis. This is primarily a research based project, since Visual Question Answering with Sentiment Analysis is a significant research gap.


Global Semifinalist from Hult Prize '23 (partnered with UN)

my startup, [strift], cleared the global semifinals at Hult Prize '23 and ranked top 500 out of 10,000 fashion startups around the world.

Microsoft for Startups

my startup, [strift], got backed by Microsoft for Startups. (<1% acceptance rate)


Won 2nd prize for my blockchain project toknpass in University's project showcase — happened Dec 2022


Lead the team of 4 to build a grocery-subscription service for sustainable "ugly" fruits and veggies. Made the entire UI/UX, design direction and pitched it as a product launch. We came 2nd out of 50 teams in Bennett University.

Side Projects


a rough UI/UX mockup prototype for the vyap mobile app, it includes 6 core screens and a color pallette. Created using Figma, and Adobe Illustrator.

Django Engineering Intern at Brillore (startup)

Built a Python based Chatbot using Kaggle and Django.


2021 — 2022
Bennett University

organised speaker sessions with various devs from Google, Microsoft and Adobe.

2021 — 2022
Handled Multimedia at Enactus BU
Bennett University

I was heavily involved in the design strategies for Etasa — an Enactus project, including the design document, color palette, logo, marketing material, social media posts as well as a ton of product design.


2021 — Now
BTech CSE with specialization in Blockchain at Bennett University
Delhi NCR

CS Sophomore student at Bennett University.

  • Bachelor of Technology — Computer Science Engineering
  • 8.09 CGPA
  • Specialization in Blockchain
  • Entrepreneurship Minor