Annie Zhou

Annie Zhou

Product Manager in New York City, she/her

seeking new grad pm prospects for 2023 💫

A year ago


Passionate about people & excited by impact. Storyteller at heart who loves to turn dreams into action. Experience in building products in AI with accountability in mind. Always eager to talk to anyone about anything, feel free to reach out!

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Technical Program Manager Intern at Microsoft

Diving in digital biology applications for Azure & scouting for AI drug delivery & personalized medicine startups under the Emerging AI for Startups team.

2022 — 2023

Creating products for community impact. Championed community of PMs @ Cornell through mentorship, guidance, and direction over 8 products.

2022 — 2023
Product Manager Intern at Trusli

First PM hire for legal AI tech startup.

2022 — 2023
Technical Writer Intern at Amazon

Worked on Amazon Gaming Team for the Unity documentation of GameLift (AWS service). Bridged communication gaps amongst end users <-> developers with the power of writing.

2021 — 2021
Technical Writer Intern at Amazon

Worked on the Natural Language Processing Team to develop a series of Jupyter Notebooks as tutorials for non-technical customers to learn machine learning through AWS NLP services. Youngest technical writer intern hire.


2021 — 2023
Bachelor of Arts at Cornell University

Sped-run Information Science & Data Science in 2 years, graduating Dec 2023 after final semester studying Graphic Design in Copenhagen.

2020 — 2021
Bachelor of Science at Carnegie Mellon University

Did a one-year side quest my 1st year studying Information Systems & Human-Computer Interaction.


PM Content Creator at RocketBlocks

Ran a side quest as content marketing intern. Wrote and published informational blog posts on product management, consulting, and data science.


Streamlining a time-consuming process of matching study buddies for Cornell admin. Led a team of 10+ designers & developers, from customer discovery to pivots to design & development process to launch.



Reflection on my abnormal college experience & my current mindset.


Poetry anthology prepared for college class.


Co-wrote reflection piece breaking down product management role with ed-tech focus.


End-to-end documentation for running custom game servers on AWS GameLift Service.


Machine learning curriculum centered on Amazon Translate.


Pandemic-experimental-angst poem published as per Sunset Press Workshop, a summer weekly workshop to digest, share, & write poetry with other young aspiring poets.

