Co-author of a Telegram channel «Городские данные» (2019–2022); was writing on the topics of digital mapping, data visualization, urban technologies, smart cities, transportation. Grew the audience to 8,000 subscribers.
Crafting the program for an international conference featuring Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak as the headlining speaker.
An interactive map that displays the historical development of the Soviet GULAG labour camps system from inception in 1918 to the end of operation in 1960.
A map that helps people find recycling points in their cities (currently sunset).
AReal (currently sunset) was an iOS augmented reality app with a map of Saint Petersburg and it's 3D landmark models. AReal was built with ARKit 1.5, Xcode 9.4.1, Unity 2018.1.1f1, and Maps SDK 1.4.4 for Unity by Mapbox.
Walkstreets (currently sunset) was a mobile app providing the most enjoyable and serene pedestrian routes for urban strolls. To realize this vision, we engineered a routing graph integrating three pivotal parameters: the greenest streets, leveraging high-quality data generously provided by Greenpeace; the quietest streets, determined through a mathematical model derived from OpenStreetMap data and validated with noise sensors in collaboration with urban planning program students; and streets boasting the highest air quality, made possible through data graciously provided by the Aerostate company.
5-year Specialist (equivalent to Master’s) degree in New Media and Internet Studies, with a thesis on the Internet regulation in multiple countries (2014).