Alexandra Stoica

Alexandra Stoica

Product Frontend Engineer in London, United Kingdom

On a mission to build purposeful products and delightful user experiences.

A year ago

Work Experience

2023 — Now

Techstack: Remix, React, Typescript, Shadcn, Tailwind

I joined Arcane as their lead frontend engineer to help them focus on enhancing the UX and Growth of their platform. In collaboration with data and backend teams, I helped design APIs, improved performance, design system, and quality of the frontend by applying user centred and growth design best practices. 👇

⏰ Helped design the API and implemented the FE and UX for building workflows (automations) out of the box via autogenerated step forms and React Flow visualizations based on API schemas

📊 Enhanced the data visualisation using the visx library customised to our design system

📝 Enhanced the UX of forms by building a form elements library based on remix validated form and MUI form components that provides meaningful validation and error messages

🤖 Explored the UI/UX of chats by helping build an AI assistant interaction that handles real time messages and custom components renders

🔗 Designed and implemented a self served onboarding experience using DOPT and Growth Design, as well as Pylon for customer support

2018 — 2023
Senior Product Frontend Engineer at Potato

Worked with various clients such as Google, Android Developers, Area 120, Protocol Labs.

  • Founded the Accessibility Guild to promote and increase awareness for inclusive and accessible digital products by organising internal hackathons, improving testing processes, and defining guidelines.

  • Led and launched the implementation of a Javascript components library by defining requirements and tech proposals, prototyping, testing, driving tech plannings, and collaborating with stakeholders.

  • Defined and built a frontend architecture based on Webpack, Web Components (Lit), and Typescript, which integrates with a Django (Python) backend and the Material Design library.

  • Built an interactive toolkit tutorial experience using the Intersection Observer API leading to it being presented at a tech conference with millions of attendees and an increased adoption of the toolkit.

  • Integrated Nextjs (React) with Contentful CMS and defined content migration strategies to create customisable UI components and allow non-technical stakeholders to easily generate pages.

  • Implemented a theming system using CSS vars on a CMS platform which hosts high profile developer documentation to allow each tenant to define and create UI components with their custom branding.

  • Designed and implemented an API for an open source web3 storage solution using Nodejs and Postgres.

  • Contributed to an open source internal library by building accessible Typescript custom elements and writing Cypress specs based on W3C specifications to enforce accessibility standards.

  • Facilitated design sprints and user tests, and built low-fidelity prototypes to define, iterate, evaluate, and validate hypotheses for a Google Assistant action that promotes health.


2017 — 2018
MSc Human-Computer Interaction at UCL
2014 — 2017
BSc Web Development at University of Worcester