Alexander Liu

Alexander Liu

Irvine, CA


2023 — Now
University of California, Irvine

ICSSC Projects creates and maintains critical tools to help students navigate their educational journey. Alongside Eddy Chen, our role is to oversee and empower the incredible people behind these projects, fostering the amazing community that we're all a part of.

2023 — Now
University of California, Irvine

Leading the brand guidelines and design system project. Also guiding a major site rewrite, powered by Sanity CMS & Next.js to allow our Marketing department to maintain velocity.

2023 — 2023
University of California, Irvine
2022 — 2023
University of California, Irvine
2023 — 2023
University of California, Irvine

Orange County's largest collegiate hackathon, hosted by Hack at UCI. During this event, I had the pleasure of helping hackers of all levels through challenging issues and express their creativity!


University of California, Irvine's homegrown grade distribution tool. Rewritten from the ground up in React & Next.js for accessibility, speed, and maintainability.

Side Projects


Custom ESLint rules to enforce best practices while writing Sanity schemas.


A lightweight web app for tracking and splitting complex receipts. Built on and with SvelteKit, Vercel, & Grafbase to scale to zero.


Scaling to Zero: Building Serverless Discord Bots at VenusHacks 23
Irvine, CA



After decades of remaining unchanged, UCI is finally committed to a bold redesign of their internal class registration systems. Through the ANTrepreneur Center, they hosted a 10 week long competition to gain valuable student insights and ideas.
Zotology was one of five teams selected to move onto the final stage.

Digital Health Equity Award from UCI ANTrepreneur Center & UCDH AWS Cloud Innovation Center
