Alex Streza

Alex Streza

Product Engineer & Founder in Europe

building the one true todo app

9 months ago


Product Engineer • Next.JS/3D • Let's build cool stuff



Where tasks become tales! Share your to-dos with the world, powered by AI, chat guidance, and stunning design—your productivity reimagined as a captivating story!


Designed and developed my agency website powered by react-three-fiber and GSAP.


Developed the entire experience from processing millions of thefts to displaying it efficiently on a map.



Earned an Honorable Mention award for Morrow, a productivity app seeking to redefine the way todos are tracked.


Earned an Honorable Mention for Snow Fox Studio, a presentation website featuring countless interactions and 3D scenes.

Work Experience

2022 — Now

Innovator at heart, I craft web solutions with a flair for problem-solving! Spearheaded, a game-changer in task tracking. Launched successful products on Product Hunt and Gumroad, amplifying visibility and sales. Architectural maestro, optimizing performance and scalability. Integrated analytics tools for rich client insights. A tech wordsmith, I've penned 50 insightful articles on Medium, contributing to industry education.

2020 — Now

Crafted cutting-edge MVPs and robust React applications. From legacy React to the latest tech, I breathe life into Figma designs, weaving magic with SCSS, Tailwind CSS, and more. Pioneered Typescript integration for seamless onboarding. Mastermind behind CI configs for automated deployment on GitHub, Vercel, AWS, and more. Engineered interactive maps with Mapbox, tamed big data in Python, and danced with Docker for seamless environments.

2019 — 2020

Worked on numerous web applications powered by in-house built AI models.


2020 — 2022

• Conducted research in the development of secure decentralized applications on the Elrond blockchain and AI + NFT utility for my 􀀁nal paper using Typescript, Next.js limited Rust smart contract

• Learned the foundation of ethical hacking and applied them in a Hack The Box-like challenge hosted by the university

• Used several cryptographic algorithms and security methodologies to improve security for web applications

2017 — 2020

• Conducted research in image classi􀀁cation for providing a correct form on gym/􀀁tness exercises by training a model with curated images and developing a mobile application to prove its ef􀀁cacy

• Developed projects covering all programming 􀀁elds, mobile applications, APIs, web and desktop applications using robust tech stacks (Java, React, .NET, node.js)

• Discovered the importance of Algorithms and Design Structures

