Alejandro García Salas

Alejandro García Salas

Software Engineer in San Francisco

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Senior Software Engineer at Airbnb
San Francisco

Search Team - Responsible for search input (autosuggest and autocomplete), filters (dates, guests, price, amenities etc.) and search API (Typescript, React, CSS-in-JS, Java Microservices). Part of on-call rotation for Airbnb's main web app (node.js, kubernetes etc.)

built new search input experience for I'm flexible 2.0


2019 — 2022
Software Engineer at Airbnb
San Francisco

work on "I'm flexible" and Tech Lead for flexible dates search feature

gave external talk on how Airbnb is building "flexibility into search"


Built new search bar, multi-step mobile search input flow, and filters (guests, dates, price, amenities, property type etc.) as part of Airbnb's 2020 re-design. Multiple projects on filters architecture foundation, refactoring and rewrite on typescript. Help build new filters for online experiences and UI for nearby destination search as part of COVID-19 response. Prototyping on the future of Airbnb's search experience with a focus on flexibility.

2018 — 2018
Software Engineer, Intern at Airbnb

Design Language System (DLS) Team – Worked on React reusable UI components and tooling for faster/better UI and JavaScript development. Learned a lot about web infrastructure.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Webpack, Babel (transpiling, codemods, AST parsing etc.), ESLint, Storybook, Happo (visual diffing).

2017 — 2017
Software Engineer, Pintern at Pinterest

Core Product Team – Worked on Pinterest’s React UI Library and ran multiple A/B test experiments for the 1st half of my internship. And for the 2nd half of my internship I worked on project "Duplo" helping rewrite Pinterest as a progressive web app/mobile web app. I got to see how much Pinterest grew in a year, I learned a lot about platform teams how they help scale organizations, and how engineers can rally teams around ambitious projects.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Redux, Python (API/backend).

Pinterest's React UI library:…
Pinterest's new Mobile Web:…

2016 — 2016
Software Engineer, Pintern at Pinterest

Observability team. Wrote jobs for Pinterest’s internal analytics dashboard (Python) and wrote realtime
ingestion pipeline for “Pintrace” distributed tracer. Technologies: Java, Spark, Kafka, Thrift, Zipkin


2015 — Now
Computer Science at UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA

Computer Science classes included operating systems, networking, compilers, security, DBs, graphics, algorithms, data science, and AI/machine learning. Outside of Computer Science, I took various classes in economics, sociology, cognitive science, and design.I graduated with a certificate in human centered design and was two classes away from completing a double major in cognitive science. I participated in human-computer interaction research and worked on a lot of small fun hacks with friends at hackathons and clubs, tech used included 3D printers, weird sensors, blockchain, VR, and more :)