Work Experience
Apple Music for iOS, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS, and macOS.
Introductory programming, computer science, and data structures (C/C++). Class codes: CPT_S 121 and CPT_S 122.
• Lead weekly lab sessions and office hours
• Grade and provide feedback on student work
Xcode Infrastructure (UI), software engineering
Xcode Debugger UI, software engineering
OneBusAway iOS maintainer (Swift, Objective-C, UIKit)
Did not graduate
Side Projects
Personal website, built with SASS and JADE. Architecture minimizes additional HTTP requests and readability without styles (i.e. stylesheets failed to load or screen reader).
Built parallax background effect in Javascript, fallbacks to static image on unsupported or unideal (UX) environments.
Added accessibility features, including font size, high contrast, reduced motion toggles and tested with Apple-platforms and Windows screen readers.
Deployment script builds to HTML, server serves static HTML (dumb server).
An early-Web ("Web 1.0") styled personal website.
Reverse-engineered our school district's gradebook vendor's iOS app to build our own gradebook viewer with more functionalities, such as letting us add theoretical assignments to calculate our potential course grade, while remaining in compliance with FERPA.