Akhtar Rizkillah
UI/UX Designer in Bekasi, Him
Looking for an opportunity to work.
A UI/UX Designer who has the ability to design simple and organized applications, focusing on user needs to create easy-to-use products.
Work Experience
• Createaproject for the studio and upload it to an online platform and sell it.
• Createdesignconcepts for applications and websites based on client needs.
• Increasethenumberofconnections in the studio and can also increase personal branding.
• Earnmoneyfromdribbling shots and also increase connections between studios.
• Incorporate feedback from clients and teams to improve design quality.
• Adjustthedesign based ontest results and user feedback.
• Designvarious visual materials for social media promotions, including banners, infographics, and digital ads.
• Collaborate with the marketing team to ensure designs are in line with the company's branding strategy.
• Managethevisualappearance on the company's social media platforms, helping to increase brand engagement and awareness.
• Developcreative ideas that are relevant to current design trends to attract the attention of the target audience.
This project started from a team where we researched data about "The Lack of Entrepreneurs in Indonesia". This application was created to make it easier for people to enter the business world and become entrepreneurs.
Website design for a competition held by Duta Wacana University, Jogja.
• Teachesthebasicsofgraphic design, including the use of color, typography, and composition.
• Ensurethatstudentsunderstand what is taught about design principles as well.
• Expandingrelationships between schools and other schools.
• TeachesaboutthebasicsofAdobeIllustrator software such as, make a simple 3D, typography and simple illustration.
• MakestudentsunderstandmoreaboutAdobeIllustrator software and help them in making a school identity card.
• Establishing connections between students and teachers and making them understand more about the software being taught.
• Introduction to design and tools for designing.
• Understanddesigntools such as Figma.
• Understanddesigntools such as Figma.