Team Profiles
For Mercury, has been the #1 place we point to people to attract them to our design team. It's such a powerful brand builder for us. And candidates tell us that it helped them connect with us at a much more human level than any job description will.
It's a seal of quality when applications come through — you know that the person is up-to-date with the industry and knows where to look for the good stuff. It's the number one source for us to look for talented folks.
Meet the team
Introduce job seekers to the amazing people they will be working with day to day, while also creating proof of work for the people on your team.
Tell your story
Our Q&A format makes it easy to tell your team story, and provides a more casual context to talk about your team that can't be replicated on other platforms.

Built for speed
Unlike developing a team page from scratch, our powerful no-code editor empowers anyone on your team to create and maintain a rich and visually compelling page.

Free to use
Our pricing model was developed to be as fair and equitable as possible. Team profiles are free to use, with the additional option of publishing paid job listings.