Aarohi Srivastava

Aarohi Srivastava

Developer in Bangalore


🌟 Motivated student with a growth mindset, great communication, and problem-solving skills. Thrive on challenges and adapt quickly. 💡Ready to ride the wave of tech evolution and explore different technology while bringing ambition and enthusiasm to a corporate team.🚀

💡SKILLS - C++ | JAVA | OOPS | MySQL (5 * HACKERRANK) | REACT JS | HTML | CSS | BOOTSRAP | MongoDB | Data Structures | MS OFFICE |



👉Build a fully authenticated eCommerce (MERN) website for buying, renting and exchanging books with Sign-in and Login feature
👉User role has functionality like creating profile, adding the book on website
👉Integrated functionality like CRUD operations, checkout with stripe etc
👉Tech used - HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Reactjs , Nodejs , Expressjs and MongoDB

Driver Drowsiness Detection

👉The objective of this project was to develop a driver drowsiness system that can detect signs of drowsiness or sleepiness and alert the drive using Python.
👉Implemented the facial landmark detection module using Cmake, dlib.
👉Developed algorithms to analyze eye closure pattern based on the detected facial landmarks.
👉Integrated the alert mechanism, providing timely notifications to the driver when drowsiness was detected.

Work Experience

2022 — 2022
Web developer at Digipodium

👉Successfully completed a six-week certification training on Web Development using React
👉Training focused on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js)
👉Engaged in hands-on experience with real-world projects during the training
👉Demonstrated exceptional performance and ranked as a top performer throughout the program


2019 — 2023
Bachelor in Computer Science Engineering at Chandigarh University
Mohali | 8.01
2018 — 2019
Intermediate (ICSE) at City Montessori School
Lucknow | 93.5 %
2016 — 2017
Marticulation (ICSE) at City Montessori School
Lucknow | 89.2%



It was very interesting course which taught me about job interviews , and how to frame answers.


In this course , I have learned HTML, CSS , JavaScript , NodeJS, Git, Github, Databases and many more to develop a full stack website.


This focused mainly on React js. I came to know about various features like virtual DOM , React hooks, components, and many more.


In this course I have learned all the DSA concepts including working with Arrays, String, Stack, Queque, and many more.


This course taught me how to start my coding journey.
