Quit my fulltime job and went full-time freelance to work on coders.fail
Motivated by weird problems & sleek solutions
Working on, learning with and bootstrapping coders.fail #BuildInPublic
Highlight product brands with rich vendor details and collections. Increase product discoverability.
Vendor Details enables you to enrich your store's vendor information with data such as text, images, or social media links using pre-configured metaobject definitions. The pre-designed storefront blocks are widely customizable and can be styled with CSS to follow the unique store's branding. Integration requires no coding experience, it works with any Shopify themes and is fully responsive. Data is stored directly in Shopify and rendered server-side, resulting in perfect performance and SEO.
Use ChatGPT to merge your social media accounts into a professional website like this one. It takes 5 Minutes max and it is totally free including hosting!
Work Experience
Hosting open-source Software like Nextcloud, Collabora, Mattermost, Pads (CodiMD) for people with need for privacy, volunteer collectives and projects on the left-side spectrum in politics.
A volunteer initiative building a data network for and by the citizens based on mesh technology and open source.
In 2018, the Bremer Bürgerpreis honored various projects celebrating volunteerism in Bremen, including "Freifunk Bremen e.V.," which works towards expanding a citywide data network.
The awards acknowledge the diversity of volunteer activities in Bremen, with a record 40 applications received. These efforts connect people in the age of digitalization, fulfilling the need for real social interactions and fostering a sense of togetherness.
Im Bremer Nordosten sieht die Internet-Initiative noch viel Potenzial.
Bremen-Nordost. Freies W-Lan in der ganzen Stadt, das wünschen sich die Bremer Freifunker. Geht es nach ihnen, haben alle Bürger Zugang zum Internet –überall, jederzeit, ohne Passwort und ohne Kosten.
Initiative „Freifunk“ will Pilotprojekt in Walle starten und rennt offene Türen im Stadtteil ein
The Waldorfschool is an integrated school at a high academic level with practical appliance of many topics, from first grade to the 13th with an A level degree.