Full-Time Learner with vulnerabilities analyst testing, trying to strengthen attack surfaces that have the potential to cause significant damage
Side Projects
Identifikasi Resiko Cyber di Aplikasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO)
Laporan Keamanan Informasi
Himbauan Kerentanan Website
weekly agenda
Conference and Community Gathering
Work Experience
freelance penetration testing and vulnerability assessment
SHL (Surabaya Hacker Link) is a community of hackers and computer enthusiasts based in Surabaya, Indonesia. The community was initially founded with the goal of sharing knowledge and expertise among its members, and promoting the development of computer security and hacking skills. Over the years, SHL has organized various activities and events, including workshops, seminars, and competitions related to computer security and hacking.
Pusat Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (PPTIK-UNIDA) memiliki misi diantaranya adalah membangun reputasi riset dan peniliti berkelas dunia. Hal ini menuntut selarasnya topik, kompetensi peneliti, kelayakan fasilitas, tingginya aktivitas dan maraknya kemitraan global di bidang penelitian ICT. Selain itu, PPTIK juga memiliki misi untuk mendorong perkembangan produk komersil, enterpreneurship dan industri di bidang ICT. Hal ini ditandai juga dengan signifikannya kontribusi sektor ICT bagi revenue UNIDA.
KSL (kelompok studi linux) Staff
3x4 DCC (Darussalam Computer Center) Staff